Dos and Don’ts of Family Gatherings with Hearing Loss

speaking to family that is hard of hearing
3 min read
Family gatherings are meant to be enjoyable occasions to spend time with loved ones. But for those who are hard of hearing, get-togethers can be challenging. Whether you’re hosting an upcoming event or attending as a guest, it’s essential to create an environment where everyone can participate and enjoy the conversation. Use this guide to help you successfully interact with family members who have hearing loss, ensuring an inclusive and enjoyable experience for all.

The Dos of Family Gatherings with Hearing Loss

  • Do get their attention: Rather than shouting from another room, make yourself visible and ensure the person knows you’re talking to them before starting a conversation.
  • Do speak face to face: Facing the person you’re talking to allows them to read your lips and facial expressions, boosting comprehension.
  • Do use visual aids: Gestures or visual cues can help convey the message.
  • Do keep background noise to a minimum: Reducing background music and other distractions makes it easier for people with hearing loss to follow the conversation.
  • Do arrange seating thoughtfully: Allow those with hearing loss to sit furthest from noisy, distracting areas and position their chair so they can see everyone.
  • Do utilize assistive technologies: If available, hearing loops or other assistive devices can enhance the experience.
  • Do educate others: Make sure other guests are familiar with how to speak to someone with hearing loss, promoting an understanding environment.
  • Do show patience: Allow extra time for the person to process information and respond.

The Don’ts of Family Gatherings with Hearing Loss

  • Don’t shout or exaggerate your speech: It’s better to ask the person how you should speak to someone with hearing loss rather than assuming their preferences.
  • Don’t cover your mouth: Talking with your hands in front of your face makes lip reading difficult, so leave your mouth unobstructed.
  • Don’t dim the lights: Low lighting makes it harder to see facial expressions and gestures, so keep the lights bright and welcoming.
  • Don’t overwhelm with information: Break down what you have to say into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Don’t ignore the person’s needs: Be aware of their hearing requirements and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Don’t exclude the person from conversations: Always include them to ensure they feel like a welcome part of the gathering.
  • Don’t interrupt or complete the person’s sentences: Allow them to communicate at their pace.
  • Don’t let any frustration show: Keep a positive attitude, and don’t let communication barriers lead to impatience or frustration.

Choose Elite Hearing Centers of America

If you or a loved one struggles with hearing loss, consider visiting Elite Hearing Centers of America. We offer the highest quality service, industry-leading products, and a no-cost, no-obligation hearing test and hearing aid trial. We pride ourselves on our commitment to patient care before and after rendering service, with remote appointments available and a no-excuses 100% satisfaction guarantee for your peace of mind. Contact us today at 855-432-7354 to request your free hearing test and consultation. You’ll be glad you did!

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